这里以配置2个站点(2个域名)为例,n 个站点可以相应增加调整,假设:
域名1 example1.com 放在 /www/example1 域名2 example2.com 放在 /www/example2
配置 nginx virtual hosting 的基本思路和步骤如下:
把2个站点 example1.com, example2.com 放到 nginx 可以访问的目录 /www/
给每个站点分别创建一个 nginx 配置文件 example1.com.conf,example2.com.conf, 并把配置文件放到 /etc/nginx/vhosts/ 然后在 /etc/nginx.conf 里面加一句 include 把步骤2创建的配置文件全部包含进来(用 * 号) 重启 nginx
1、在 /etc/nginx 下创建 vhosts 目录
mkdir /etc/nginx/vhosts
2、在 /etc/nginx/vhosts/ 里创建一个名字为 example1.com.conf 的文件,把以下内容拷进去
server { listen 80; server_name example1.com www. example1.com; access_log /www/access_ example1.log main; location / { root /www/example1.com; index index.php index.html index.htm; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on location ~ .php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /www/example1.com/$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /.ht { deny all; }}
3、在 /etc/nginx/vhosts/ 里创建一个名字为 example2.com.conf 的文件,把以下内容拷进去
server { listen 80; server_name example2.com www. example2.com; access_log /www/access_ example1.log main; location / { root /www/example2.com; index index.php index.html index.htm; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on location ~ .php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /www/example2.com/$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /.ht { deny all; }}
4、打开 /etc/nginix.conf 文件,在相应位置加入 include 把以上2个文件包含进来
user nginx;worker_processes 1;# main server error logerror_log /var/log/nginx/error.log ;pid /var/run/nginx.pid;events { worker_connections 1024;}# main server confighttp { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $request ' '"$status" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; keepalive_timeout 65; gzip on; server { listen 80; server_name _; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; server_name_in_redirect off; location / { root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html; } } # 包含所有的虚拟主机的配置文件 include /usr/local/etc/nginx/vhosts/*;}
5、重启 Nginx
/etc/init.d/nginx restart方法二:动态目录方法(优点是方便,每个域名对应一个文件夹,缺点是不灵活)
这个简单的方法比起为每一个域名建立一个 vhost.conf 配置文件来讲,只需要在现有的配置文件中增加如下内容:
# Replace this port with the right one for your requirements
# 根据你的需求改变此端口 listen 80; #could also be 也可以是1.2.3.4:80的形式 # Multiple hostnames seperated by spaces. Replace these as well. # 多个主机名可以用空格隔开,当然这个信息也是需要按照你的需求而改变的。 server_name star.yourdomain.com *.yourdomain.com http://www.*.yourdomain.com/; #Alternately: _ * #或者可以使用:_ * (具体内容参见本维基其他页面) root /PATH/TO/WEBROOT/$host; error_page 404 http://yourdomain.com/errors/404.html; access_log logs/star.yourdomain.com.access.log; location / { root /PATH/TO/WEBROOT/$host/; index index.php; } # serve static files directly # 直接支持静态文件 (从配置上看来不是直接支持啊) location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|html)$ { access_log off; expires 30d; } location ~ .php$ { # By all means use a different server for the fcgi processes if you need to # 如果需要,你可以为不同的FCGI进程设置不同的服务信息 fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /PATH/TO/WEBROOT/$host/$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; } location ~ /.ht { deny all; }最后附另外一个二级域名匹配的方法
server_name *.abcd.com; 获取主机名 if ( $host ~* (.*).(.*).(.*)) { set $domain $1; } 定义目录 root html/abc/$domain/; location / { root html/abcd/$domain; index index.html index.php;